Category: Marketing & Business

  • I’ll be voting for..?

    Lib dem. Haha – of course not – they have absolutely no clue of how to run a country, voting for the Lib Dems would probably see our economy going the way of greece (down the toilet). So.. a smarmy smug git promising change and a social or a socially inept economist.

  • No more planes (for a while?)

    It wouldn’t be unexpected for this icelandic volcano to carry on erupting for months – this is mother nature after all – and looking at the jet stream forecasts the wind direction won’t change until at least next sunday when some more westerly atlantic winds might shift the ash further east.

  • 3D TV.. the future?

    Theres a lot of hubbub about 3DTV at the moment – Sony are pinning their hopes on 3D TV as the product that will increase their market share in a market that is getting increasingly competitive. The TV market, having had few major innovations in this category for some time  (most consumers were pretty passe…

  • Putting customer data first…

    My next big project: Systematic communications strategy. We need to talk to all our customers at each stage of their relationship with us. We need to promote ourselves to different customer segments accordingly. We want to know how we are doing, what they think of us, so it must feed this information back to us…

  • Spotify on the App Store? In a word…

    Update@ 04/04/2020:So, 11 years later and paid subscription models that remove the ads, the advent of high speed mobile connectivity, and a generation of people who have grown up streaming free music on YouTube and Spotify have changed the music landscape forever. It took me a while to adopt it, but I am now a…

  • Email Marketing – Open Rates: subject line rules and content is key

    I’ve been a/b testing a lot lately – I usually do this with most of my campaigns, using a sample group to test and then sending the best subject line to the rest of the list. Our email providers latest update claims to do this automatically (if you want) – but I’m not sure I…

  • Track adwords PPC ROI from a contact form using Google Analytics

    Following on from my last post, here is the analytics tracking code in the onclick handler that will pull the text entered into the contact form and submit it to google analytics event tracking. This will label each action with the users email address (although you could use any part of the form as a…

  • Google Analytics Event Tracking to measure PPC ROI from lead generation

    Google Analytics Event Tracking to measure PPC ROI from lead generation

    I wrote my first piece of javascript today! I have avoided getting in to this up till now as it has been easy enough to google something and C&C! Event Tracking is still too new so in order to solve my problem I had to do some research. In the past, i have been used…

  • Link Strategies

    As an SEO, I restle with link building and its ethics (viewed as if by Google), but here is a great forum post about the main methodologies and their associated pitfalls as well related discussion. I’m posting this as it is the first time I have seen such a comprehensive “waffle free” list of these.…