A playground for learning technologies and skills

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Running this site, and a few other projects (including a brief side-hustle as a digital marketing manager & web developer for e-commerce start-ups), have provided a deep level of knowledge and valuable, transferable skills. Some of these are listed below:

Techniques and Skills

  • SEO & Analytics: analysis & opportunity identification
  • Content strategy: planning, writing content for search
  • Site & content management
  • Site optimisation / content optimisation
  • Graphic design
  • Video: production, codecs & hosting
  • Desktop / mobile UI
  • Local search
  • Automation, integration, databases
  • Data manipulation, storage & management
  • Web develpment and management
  • Cloud services
  • Security and networking
  • Python, javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, SHELL
  • GDPR & PECR compliance

The technology

This website:

  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Bitnami LAMP web server on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • WordPress
  • HubSpot (currently not integrated)
  • Google Tag manager, Analytics, AdSense, Youtube
  • Various plugins for SEO
  • SSL via letsencrypt, with automated certificate renewal

For other projects:

  • Git / Github
  • Containers (e.g. Docker) & virtualisaion (VMware)
  • Analytics: MySQL and Metabase
  • Google Workspace, MS Sharepoint/365
  • Integration & APIs: GCP, Zapier, fetch, App Script
  • Magento (e-commerce)
  • Homebridge, UIpath (automation)
  • Payment systems integration & PCI compliance
  • OPNsense, OpenWrt, TailScale, VPN, PiHole

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