“A kind of weblogged almanac of assorted interests to keep my hand in with writing, SEO, design, ads, analytics, Gen’ AI and other technologies…”

  • TVersity iPhone Profile

    Note: this is an archive post and the information may no longer be current or up to date. Also, Plex media server has since become the market leader for media streaming from your local network.…

  • Fluffy American Pancakes

    Makes about 4 large Pancakes (you only need 2 each!!) The Ingredients: 135g plain flour 130ml/4½fl oz milk 1 large egg, lightly beaten 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt 2 tbsp caster sugar 2…

  • Yorkshire Puddings

    You can also use this recipe to make amazing toad-in-the-hole to feed two hungry people. Pour the batter into a hot ceramic dish (with hot oil) and then arrange the 6 toads (bangers) in the…

  • Embedding video that work in all browser, including iPhone?

    Well, to code for an iPhone, so that the video will stream to the device, do this: <embed src=”your_preview_file.jpg” href=”test.m4v” target=”myself” width=”176″ height=”132″ controller=”false” autoplay=”false” scale=”1″ cache=”true” type=”video/quicktime” pluginspage=”http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/”> But to make it work across…

  • Google Analytics Event Tracking to measure PPC ROI from lead generation

    Google Analytics Event Tracking to measure PPC ROI from lead generation

    I wrote my first piece of javascript today! I have avoided getting in to this up till now as it has been easy enough to google something and C&C! Event Tracking is still too new…

  • Online VCF file converter

    Perfect for importing contacts in to GMail as it will create a CSV file from VCF files!

  • My friend makes a living building treehouses..

    This thought amuses me greatly, and yet is also slightly depressing when I’m sat at my desk -Especially when I get an email about his paid trip to Mexico to build a treehouse in the…

  • Microwave Golden Syrup Sponge

    The Ingredients: 100 g self raising flour 100 g butter 100 g sugar 30 ml milk 2 eggs (beaten) few vanilla essence grated zest of half a lemon 3 tablespoons of golden syrup The Method:…

  • Soft center chocolate puddings

    First, preheat oven to 220. Melt together 125g of dark chocolate & butter over a gentle heat Whisk together 2 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks and then, when light & fluffy, combine with the…

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